The difference between genre and style of a music video is that the genre relates to the actual song and the style/type relates to the way the video has been filmed.
Performance and
An animated style of music video can relate to different types of animation such as CGI and stop motion. An example of a modern cgi animated video is Jorja Smiths "Come over" video. As this is very new the animation is very good quality compared to when animation first started. Some videos have part animation and some videos are all animated. This may be because the artist could not have captured all of the shots on a normal camera and actors because the imagination for the video was much bigger. They may have wanted to add things in that could only be animated.
An interpretive style music video is to portray what is said in the lyrics of the song in a visual format. For example, the 11 minute music video to Michael Jackson's "Thriller". There are two different types of interpretive videos and these are audience interpretation and production interpretation. Audience interpretive videos are where there is a message in the video and the audience will take their own meaning from it. Production interpretive videos are usually done if the video doesn't have much meaning to it and this can make it more effective.
A surrealist video is created by Directors who wants to leave an impression to the audience. By doing this it makes the video interesting so that people will remember it and be intrigued by it. This creates Profit as it isnt a typical video and will leave people thinking about it, then more and more people will want to check the video out. An example is Coldplays "The scientist" video as he is lipsyncs, the video travels backwards. This is unusual and not common in music videos which is why alot of people like watching it. A surrealist video is almost like a usp and is very strange.
A Homage music video is when an artist or band honors and pays respect to the art form that they are recreating. These videos are usually influenced and use the foundations but are not copied completely. It is a good way to connect with the original artists fans as they will recognize and enjoy the remake of the video alot. An example of this is the "Buddy Holly" By Weezer.
A parody is a music video that has been solely recreated to make fun of its original source material. The whole purpose of a parody is to make people laugh and to create humour. Parody's are extremely popular on youtube as anybody could create one and post it for people to see. They can sometimes get really popular because if someone searched for the original video, the parody will come up after it. An example of someone who creates alot of parodys is Bart Baker, and he used to be really popular on youtube.
A pastiche is when another artist imitates the style of music from another artist. They steal and borrow ideas from another video to create their own. Pastiche is a mixture of a Homage and Parody as it can sometimes ridicule a music video but also celebrate it at the same time and make it seem like its not in a respectful way. An example is Foo Fighter, "Walk".
Some music videos can be a mixture of both performance and narrative for example the music video for "coffee and tv" by Blur have both styles mixed into one. It features narrative of a milk carton exploring and trying not to get killed as he falls in love with another milk carton that gets killed. As you can tell this story line doesn't have any relevance to the lyrics in the song at all. However the video also features two parallel scenes and the other one is of the band performing the song in what looks like a basement.